Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: What does the 100% satisfaction guarantee mean? 
A: We offer you only the top quality products at affordable prices. If you feel dissatisfied with the quality of our products, simply return the product(s) within 20 days of purchase, and we'll give you a full refund. To qualify for the refund, you'll have to mail us proof of purchase and the product(s) returned should be without any damage.

Q: Is the transaction secure?
A: We work with to make sure your transactions are secure. You can also make your purchase through your Paypal account.

Q: Do you accept checks?
A: Yes we accept eCheck. We also accept all major credit cards such as MasterCard, Visa, American Express, and Discover.

Q: How long will it take to ship my order? 
A: We'll start to fill your order immediately to ensure that we ship the order within the time frame indicated for that item. We use UPS ground, but if you prefer a different shipper please indicate at the time of purchase.

Q: Where is considered standard shipping?
A: Right now it's limited to the continental US. If you live in Hawaii, Alaska or Canada, an extra charge may be applicable. Contact us for shipping inquiries.

Q: How much is the shipping & handling fee?
A: Normally we charge based on the total amount of the order, the volume of the order, or the weight of the order for certain items. However, during a special promotion period, we'll pay your shipping & handling (restricted to purchases within the continental USA).

Q: Can I return the product at any time? 
A: As per our 30-Day Money-Back Guarantee you can return any product within 30 days of receiving it. The product must be received in our warehouse by the 30th day. Just make sure it's in like-new condition, pack it all securely in the original packaging. We'll gladly exchange it or give you a full refund for the merchandise (not including the cost of the return shipping).

Q: How do I return the product?
A: You can return it for a full refund or replacement. However, you'll be responsible for the shipping and handling fee. Please note: products that have been installed are non-returnable. Please email us at and ask for a Returned Merchandise Authorization number. To process your return quickly please have the original order number available. Please wrap the package securely and note the Returned Merchandise Authorization number on the outside of the package. Returns without an RMA number will not be accepted. We are not responsible for products sent back to us without an RMA. Products must be returned in the original packaging and in the original condition. All products will be inspected prior to credit approval.

Q: What's the procedure to return damaged items? 
A: Please open the box(es) immediately after delivery and check to see if there is any damage. You must claim the damage to us within 3 days of delivery to get any reimbursement.

A. Massage jet has little spray, may be due to one or more of the following:
(1) The jet may be jammed.
(2) The controlling valve is not opened completely.
(3) Low hydraulic pressure.
(4) The outlet of the pump is jammed.

B. Massage jet doesn't work, may be due to one or more of the following:
(1) The connection tube may be broken.
(2) The conversion switch doesn't work.
(3) Check to see if the electromagnetic valve is jammed or no water.
(4) Check whether the electromagnetic valve is powered.
(5) If no power, then your circuit board may be the problem. If not displayed, then the control board is the problem. Please contact us for further assistance.
(6) If there is power, check to see if the electromagnetic valve is broken.

In order to achieve the best maintenance results for using our products, please pay attention to the following: Try applying the detergent to the unobvious part of the product, and then use it for the whole product. After that, clean it immediately. Do not leave the detergent on the product's surface. Clean it with water and dry immediately.

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